Wonder Woman #759 Review

Wonder Woman #759 DC Comics Writer Mariko Tamaki, Artist Mikel Janin, Colorist Jordie Bellaire, Letterer Pat Brosseau It’s pretty rare that I get an early copy of a comic to review but I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of Wonder Woman #759 with the new creative team of Tamaki and Janin and was excited to see what they would bring to the book because it’s sadly been staggering along from the Greg Rucka run in the beginning (IMHO).

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New Comic Book Reviews Week Of 7/1/20

So two weeks in a row is a new record at this point. The holiday this week kind of threw off the schedule and a rough week at work delayed getting the reviews up on Friday but the good news with that is that I was able to get some of the backlog of comics in this weeks reviews so we are nearly caught up (well as nearly as I can get and still get some sleep and Diamond Comics still not getting all of the comics to the shop) So it was a light week for new comics but there are some recent ones that you might still want to check out.

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February 28, 2020
New Comic Book Reviews Week Of 2/26/20

Amethyst #1 DC/Wonder Comics Writer and Artist Amy Reeder, Letterer Gabriela Downie  I was a big fan of the original Amethyst series back in the 1980’s and have been intrigued with her appearing in the Young Justice but there are so many characters in that comic it was hard for her to stand out.

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