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It was one year ago today that both the comics community and San Diego Comic Con lost one of its best Batton Lash. At the 50th SDCC on Sunday morning there was a tribute panel honoring this great man. Moderated by Rob Salkowitz the panel included his wife Jackie Estrada, Anina Bennett, Dan Bois, Jim Pascoe, Jon Cooke, and Bill Morrison.

I had wanted to post this video soon after the convention last year but it was simply too emotional for me to even watch it again. Batton was a great friend and the Exhibit A Press booth was always and island of clam in the chaos. Batton and Jackie were one of the best reasons to go to the con and Batton’s love of comics and 50’s science fiction & monster moves were always great conversations. If you hung out at the booth for even a few minutes there was always people in the industry that would stop by and join the conversation.

I still miss him greatly today and its still hard to imagine that he is gone. But as Batton would say the show must go on and we still have our wonderful memories of him.

The one thing that he would want you to do is to share you’re love of comics with everyone because he was a true ambassador of the comics community and lets continue that legacy for him.

You can also read my tribute to him from last year HERE.